Monday, January 3, 2011

Good News About Beauty!

Beauty has been found, safe and sound! See email from Beauty's owner below:

Dear Wonderful Friends and Neighbors: About 7:15 p.m. this evening, I retrieved Beauty from some wonderful members of Evergreen Presbyterian Church (beside the Suwanee Library) who had rescued her. Below is Beauty's tale (no pun intended):

At 1:00 a.m. Saturday morning, after the close of Evergreen Church's New Year's Eve Services, four observant and concerned children noticed a shivering dog beside the railroad tracks. The children took Beauty to another member, a college freshman whom I shall call "Guardian Angel". This woman took Beauty to her home, and showered her with warmth, food, and her Pomeranian's friendship. However, this Guardian Angel would have to wait until Monday to make telephone contact. Beauty was only wearing her Rabies/Veterinary tags, due to my oversight. (*See note below.)

In the meantime, my wonderful neighbors, the Bawejas, created and printed many "Lost Beauty" photo posters. We spread them throughout Suwanee. This evening, members of Evergreen Presbyterian Church who had seen the posters shared my contact information with Beauty's Guardian Angel. I, then, received the long-awaited, miraculous phone call! At 7: 15 p.m., with proof of ownership in hand, I hugged Beauty's Guardian Angel, her parents, her brother, and my sweet Beauty.

Thank you everyone for your look-outs, reported Beauty- Sightings, thoughts, phone calls, emails, and prayers. You are a blessing and Beauty's safe return is a miracle.

Please feel free to share this email with others who were part of the Beauty-Come-Home Prayer Circle and Look-Out Squad.


Penny Cruise and family

*(Note: I just dug Beauty's Address/Home Phone Tag out of the junk draw, and she is now wearing it. Note to Myself: Don't be stupid again.)

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