Every July in Suwanee, I am treated to rows of these beautiful ornamental trees, called crepe myrtle's. They are often used in the medians of two lane roads like you see here. People love the way they look....I love the way they taste!
They come in lots of different colors...white, pink, rose, purple and lavender. I don't know the official names of the colors, but white, pink and red are the most common. I just saw a color a new color....a very deep, but bright red. I haven't tried that one yet, but white tastes the best. Beverly's favorite color is one I don't see often either. A rich vivid purple.
Birds like them too!!
They are also used as landscape accents like here:
If you see blooming crepe myrtle's, you'll know it's July in Suwanee!!!
Enjoy! I sure do.
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